False appearances A perfect picture of hypocrisy

Wuheqilin's latest cartoon Photo: Wuheqilin's official Sina Weibo account
Afghans embrace China's humanitarian cartoon, demand Aussie justice
The victim families want the trial of these soldiers to take place inside Afghanistan where the crime happened. We are condemning this brutal act of Australian soldiers.Australian gov't should apologize to Afghan people:
China refutes Australia's accusation of tweeting "fake image"
Killing of Afghan civilians by Australian soldiers confirmed, who should apologize?
Australia's war of words with China over a satirical cartoon that condemned Australian troops' murder of innocent Afghans is ongoing. As more reports reveal the elite Australian soldiers' misconduct in Afghanistan, Australia is increasingly embarrassed.
Some of Australia's allies have engaged in this war of words, and arrogantly talk only about their stance and principles rather than the facts.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on November 18 phoned Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to express his "deepest sorrow." And one day later, Australian Defence Force Chief Angus Campbell said, "I sincerely and unreservedly apologize" to the people of Afghanistan. However, Morrison refused to accept China's criticism but vented his anger as if China had groundlessly smeared his country.
The logic behind Morrison's moves is quite simple: The West can do anything it wants, but non-Westerners are not allowed.
This is the consistent style of Western whites: The West must always be in a superior status and position. With such a mentality, they never accept the idea that other races can enjoy equality. Feeling superior to others, they believe the West must take control of each and every thing, be it the economy or technology.
Morrison didn't say anything when European and American media outlets reported Australian troops' misconduct with words like "war crimes" (as the criticism came from the West). But he reacted fiercely when a Chinese diplomat condemned the brutal murder.
In the eyes of some Western elites, adopting a non-Western system and ideology and refusing to be a vassal of the West is the sin of China. Brainwashed by such discourse, many ordinary people in the West would buy Western politicians' lies about China, even though the COVID-19 has killed hundreds of thousands in the West while vulnerable groups cannot "breathe."
As a result, any action and word of China is unacceptable to Westerners who have an overwhelming sense of superiority. To them, the West can stigmatize China over the so-called human rights issues with disinformation and accuse China of "genocide," but China is not even allowed to give its opinion on the viral reports circulating in the West.
After 160 years, the bronze horse head stolen by invading forces when Anglo-French Alliance Forces razed the Old Summer Palace in 1860 finally returned to its home on Tuesday. But many Westerners still believe that China is the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society that they arbitrarily bullied in the 19th century.
As they cannot hold colonies anymore, they attempt to spiritually colonize others with their so-called universal values of democracy and human rights. However, the West's narrow-minded moralistic tricks cannot last except in deceiving Westerners.
As China rises, more and more developing countries will not accept to be brainwashed by the West anymore. Nor will they stay silent and tolerate the West's double standards on human rights and other issues.
In the future, more people like Chinese cartoonist Wuheqilin and Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian will stand out to tell the truth to the world and have dialogue with the West on a completely fair and equal status.
The world construct has greatly changed. Whether or not the West will accept it, the belief the West is the center of the world will eventually come to an end.
Chinese cartoon reflects outrage over Australian war atrocities
Until today, Australia still believes China is inferior, not qualified to criticize the superior Aussies. Nothing can better portray the mentality when Australia showed much greater anger toward a Chinese cartoon than the crimes of Australian soldiers in Afghanistan.Who is arrogant in the cartoon dispute?
Those countries hope that China will resign itself to their provocation and suppression. Otherwise, they would believe that China has become tougher or even a “Wolf Warrior.” Just let them bluff, and let us stay magnanimous.
Cartoon demands justice for murdered Afghans, Morrison blunder-struck with hypocrisy
It is a 100-percent fact that Australian troops brutally killed Afghan civilians. Australia should tell the Afghans and the world how many people its troops have killed and how they will be held accountable for it. What's happening in the real world is much more brutal, bloody and frightening than what my cartoon shows.China's goodwill futile with evil Australia: Global Times editorial
Killing innocent people is trampling on human rights no
matter what. But Canberra has the nerve to put itself on the moral high
ground of human rights. How arrogant and shameless the Morrison
government is!
Five Eyes decays into US fan club, lapdog
Take a look at what is happening in the Five Eyes countries. The US and the UK are both among the countries hit hardest by COVID-19, and both have deep domestic conflicts and long-term uncertainties. Canada and Australia, with their small populations and vast land resources, are more like “Western slackers” than the European countries who have strong crisis awareness. They all need to see where their crisis lies and who their real enemies are. Otherwise, they will always have a misconception that China is poisoning them whenever they are not feeling well. How absurd such a logic is!
Has Australia misjudged US capability to interfere in Asia?
Taking sides with the US over China has cost Australia valuable diplomatic flexibility. Australia has been smashed between two rocks instead of milking both sides.
Australia's passing of Foreign Relations Bill 2020 shows political paranoia
Passing the legislation is Australia's domestic affair and China has no interest to intervene. But if the Australian federal government uses this act to jeopardize China's interests, China will do everything it can to safeguard its own interests.
Kiwis bleat like Aussie sheep but don't condemn Afghan killings
The West should take the latest incident as an alarm bell – when they smear other countries with baseless accusations, why can't other countries criticize the West or make well-intentioned suggestions for their misdeeds?
Aussies in China ashamed, disappointed at Morrison's accusation against diplomat
Amid an escalating war of words around a cartoon depicting atrocities committed by Australian soldiers against Afghan civilians, an Australian who has lived in China for 10 years has something to say: "Today, as an Australian, I feel ashamed. The Australia I left 10 years ago compared to the Australia of today is entirely different."
Antagonistic policies of Morrison administration harm people-to-people exchanges between China, Australia
Amid a vortex of worsening bilateral ties between Australia and China and tightened immigration policies, complicated by the ravages of pandemic, many Chinese in Australia feel anxious and disappointed in Prime Minister Scott Morrison's administration.
Do more, talk less
Amid Australia-China row, we need world leaders
who talk less and do more
'Paper cat' Australia will learn its lesson